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Fig. 4 | EURASIP Journal on Information Security

Fig. 4

From: DIPPAS: a deep image prior PRNU anonymization scheme

Fig. 4

Assembly of the anonymized image. For each generated image Iϕ(m),Nb blocks are extracted from the image and the fingerprint P. Fixing a block position b, we compute the NCC between each pair of blocks [Iϕ(m)]b,[P]b,m∈[1,M]. Then, we order the M image blocks according to their resulting NCCs, and we average the first L blocks pixel by pixel, obtaining the estimated block \([{\hat {\mathbf {I}}}]_{b}\). We follow this pipeline for each block position b, eventually assembling the results and estimating the anonymized image \({\hat {\mathbf {I}}}\)

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